

PostgreSQL helps you understand PostgreSQL quickly. Some tutorials will comming to explain installation process in difference OP with example of codes to connect to the projects.

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Git & GitHub

Version control, also known as source control, is the practice of tracking and managing changes to software code. Some more details and examples of git tutorials and fixing bug showing.

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Powerful, extensible, & feature-packed frontend toolkit. This frontend is much faster to understand to use with Django project also easy to learn when used the codes instead of installing third party.

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Data Science

This is some technical to apply using ML, DL and AI to apply with some mathematical tools. Python is the top tools for Data Sceintist.

Data Science

Machine Learning.

Is a subcategory of Artificial intelligence, provide us with statistical tools to explore the data.

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

This is another sub-set of Machine learnight. Which is human brain and idea to learn new tech, called multi Artificial Neural Networks.

Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence.

When we use computer, AI is the first method to tell the computer thinking about from the user and has to be learned at the end. You have to know Machine learning and Deep learning to drive an AI application.

Artificial intelligence